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customLayout 0.2.0 is now on CRAN

The new version of my customLayout package is on CRAN. It now supports working with PowerPoint slides using layouts created in R. For more information please read the vignette here. It also extends the idea of adjusting the font size for the flextables (see this post) - check the phl_adjust_table function. I also created a simple roadmap which describes my next steps. Please note that this package is still under development.

Create pptx in R using officer package

When you need to create a pptx file in R, the best way is to use an officer package. officer is quite easy to use and the documentation is quite extensive so that I won’t describe the basics ( - link to the officer‘s docs). However, I always have some problems with specifying the proper parameters for the ph_with_* functions, especially the type and index parameters. Of course one can use the ph_with_*_at versions, but it requires to manually adjust all the coordinates, which might be even more problematic.

Calculate the font size for the R's flextable package.

The flextable table is an excellent package for creating beautiful tables, especially if you want to export them to the pptx file. However, it might be a bit problematic to set the proper font size for the given size of the table. E.g., I have a table with five rows (+ 1 header row), and I want to create a table which height is 2 inches. What’s the best font size for this setting?